Q.1. FU, KP, PK, ? 

(A). UG (B).UF (C).GS (D).VR  

 Q.2. qsu .... ceg , ikm , oqs

(A).uwy (B).vya (C).wya (D).axy

  Q.3. APK, BQL, CRM, DSN, ...... 

(A).TEO (B). ETO (C). EOT (D). TOE 

 Q.4. BAC, GFH,LKM,?

 (A).QPR (B). PQR (C) . RQP (D). None of these  

 Q.5. BEH, HKN, ?

 (A).NOT (B). MOQ (C).NQT (D).WTO 


 (A).PIG (B).PET (C). JUF (D). POT 



 Q.8. WYB, XUD, YQF, ...

(A).HZM (B).HCZ (C). ZMH (D). None of these
 Q.9. SAB, ?, QCD, PDD, OEF, NFF 

(A).CBT (B).ABR (C) BCT (4) RBB  

 Q10.BAZ, DBY, FCX, ? 

(A) FXW (B).EFX (C).FEY (4).HDW


1.       Sol : Option 2
F is sixth from the beginning of the alphabet & U is sixth from the end.
Similarly K is eleventh from the beginning & P is 11th from the end the same rule is followed in other pairs of the series.
2.       Sol : Option 3
There is a gap of one letter in every letter of the group. Also, every second group of the series starts after a gap of 1 letter, i.e., after qsu, we get wya.
3.       Sol : Option 2
The first letter of every group is in alphabetical order, i.e. ABCDE Same is the case with II and III letters of the group. Such as PQRST and KLMNO
4.       Sol : Option 1
Each letter is at a gap of 4 alphabets from the previous i.e. B + 5 = G, A + 5 = F, C + 5 = H. Also, G + 5 = L, F + 5 = K, H + 5 = M.
Hence answer should be QPR
5.       Sol : Option 3
The first letter of every group is the last letter of the preceding group with a gap of two letters in every member of the group, i.e., after BEH we get HKN.
So, answer would be NQT i.e. 3rd option.
6.       Sol : Option 3
The middle letters which are vowels have an increasing trend of A, E, I, O, U and remaining letters have been retained as it is.So answer would be JUF.
7.       Sol : Option 1
Start reading from CD, EF, GH, IJ, KL and then QR, ST, UV, WX, YZ and so on after splitting the groups.
8.       Sol : Option 3
Divide each member of series in this way: B D F H and so on (one gap) in ascending order, Y U Q M and so on (three gap) in descending order, WX Y Z and so on (no gap) in ascending order
9.       Sol : Option 4
First letter in every group is in reverse alphabetical order i.e. SRQPON. The middle letter is in alphabetical order i.e ABCDEF and the last letter has pairs, BB, DD & FF.
10.   Sol : Option 4
The third, sixth and ninth letters are in the reverse order of the alphabet i.e.Z,Y, X, W. Ist fourth and seventh letters are going up with a gap of one letter and II, V and VIIIth are moved ahead one letter.


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