
Q1: Which among the following illustrations specifies the correct mirror image of O B S T I N A T E ?

Answer: The first step is to check the first and the last letters. We know that the reflection at a mirror is equivalent to an inversion. In other words, we say that in a mirror top and bottom of an image doesn’t change but the Left Hand Side (L H S) of real image becomes the Right Hand Side (R H S) in mirror image and the R H S in the real image becomes the L H S in the mirror image.

A time-saving trick is to eliminate the letters whose mirror image is the same as that of the original shape. The first letter in the mirror image of O B S T I N A T E should be the mirror image of E which is only in the option (a). Therefore the correct option is (a).

Q2: Which among the following illustrations specifies the correct mirror image of P R O C R A S T I N A T E ?

Answer: Let us see the first letter in the mirror image of P R O C R A S T I N A T E. The first letter in the mirror image would be the last letter in the original word P R O C R A S T I N A T E, which is E. The only option that has its first letter as the mirror image of E is option (b). Therefore (b) is the correct option.

Practice Questions

Directions:  In each of the following questions, there are four alternatives , which follow the word or number marked as a question. You have to select one alternative, which exactly matches with the mirror of the word/ number in the question.

Q1: Which among the following illustrations specifies the correct mirror image of P R E C A R I O U S?


Q2: Which among the following illustrations specifies the correct mirror image of P E R F E C T I O N?

Q3: V I S H A L

A) (a)                   B) (b)                     C) (c)                         D) (d)                      E) None of The Above

Q4: Z E B R A

A) (a)                   B) (b)                     C) (c)                         D) (d)                      E) None of The Above

Q5: F A N T A S Y

A) (a)                    B) (b)                      C) (c)                      D) (d)                       E) None of The Above

Q6: B E N E D I C T I O N

A) (a)                  B) (b)                        C) (c)                      D) (d)                        E) None of The Above

Q7: N A T I O N A L

A) (a)                    B) (b)                      C) (c)                         D) (d)                         E) None of The Above

Q8: Which of the following collections of letters will look the same in the mirror?

A) (a)                  B) (b)                       C) (c)                           D) (d)                     E) None Of The Above

Find Your Answers Here

Q1: A) (a), Q2: C) (c), Q3: A) (a), Q4: A) (a), Q5: A) (a), Q6: C) (c), Q7: B) (b), Q8: D) (d)


