Introduction :

Logical sequence of words as the name implies is that type of reasoning which consists of words and we have to find out a sequence which is logical in that context. Normally, in these questions, the words are mentioned in serial numbers 1, 2, 3 etc. There should be a minimum of four words to ensure complexity of the question. There are is no limit of maximum serial of numbers. There are some questions in which numbers even range to eight or nine options. But such type of questions are very rare. Because if you will give nine options on technical issues then it may be next to impossible for some candidates to solve the question and find out the logical sequence of the question. So, generally maximum six options are provided in logical sequence of words.

The question can arise from different fields. It may be from daily life, preparing a dish, office schedule, time table, administration process, oceans and continents, animals and birds etc. Questions can arise from all the sectors of the world, all the neighbourhood around us and we have to just find a logical sequence of these words. For example,

1. Wall 2. Sand 3. Cement 4. Brick 5. Water

Here five words are given. First we need to read all the five words. It is wall, sand, cement, brick and water. Now we can imagine that it is a question on construction. So, we know that first sand is put on ground then cement is added to the sand and they are mixed. After mixing, water is added to the mixture then the mixture is used with brick to make a wall. So, the logical sequence of the words is as follows −

Sand, Cement, Water, Brick, and Wall.

But the options provided in such type of questions is different, it may not be mentioned in words. The options provided are like 1, 2, 3, 5, 4 or 2, 1, 3, 4, 5 etc. so, in the above example the answer is 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
