Tips For Solving Problems :


1. USA 2. Vatican City 3. England 4. India

Here four numbers are provided and in each of the four numbers, names of four countries are given. So, now how we can make a logical sequence of words from such a question. Normally for such type of questions, we follow the options. And see how the options are arranged. We all know that according to area Vatican City is world’s smallest country and USA is one of the biggest countries in the world. The other two countries are England and India and India is bigger than England. So, we can arrange them either in ascending or descending order. They can be arranged in following way −

USA, India, England, Vatican City or

Vatican City, England, India, USA.

To get the answer we have to look at the options and find out which one is provided. One thing is sure that both the options will not be there so we have to find out any one of them which will be our answer. Now look at another type of example which is common in logical sequence −

1. Cotton dress 2. Weaver 3. Weaving machine 4. Cotton

Such problems are very common in logical sequence because production of cotton dress is final. We know that but which one will be first which one will be second and which one will be third is the real question. Weaver may come at first place because without weaver who will complete the cloth making process similarly cotton can also come at first because it is the raw material without which a dress cannot be made. We can also state that weaving machine can also come in first place. So in such a situation where multiple options can come at first place of the sequence we should look at the options provided carefully.

A - 4, 2, 1, 3

B - 4, 2, 3, 1

C - 1, 3, 2, 4

D - 2, 1, 3, 4

Cotton dress which is at the first place in the question must come at the last spot. In the above shown options only option B indicates that, so undoubtedly option B is our answer. From option B, we can also conclude that cotton comes at first place, weaver comes at the second place and weaving machine comes at the third place. So, our problem is solved. Logical sequence of words contain such type of questions. And we have to just find the way for a sequence in which we can solve the question.
