Finding the next set of letters:

In this video u may learn how the set of missing or last or first set of alphabets to be formed.By this u can see how easy to perform with alphabet series.Suppose if we take a letters which are not familiar at beside but to form a another set of unfamiliar letters set.
These are formed by the help of either sum or difference of the letters which are having another set.The letter F(6) in first set is compared with next set of first letter i.e., I(9) the difference would be (+3).So that it can be compared with the next letter which +3 difference so that it contains number(12).this on continue repetation we can form our missing set.

postions of alphabets to be remembered:

                         A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M

                         Z  Y  X  W  V  U  T  S  R  Q  P  O  N

A=1 and Z=26 if the number which is given beyond 26 it is considered as another continuation of letter A.so that A becomes 27. like that it continues 28-B,29-C......etc.

Now we can remember easily with words that uses in our daily ususal life like

  • A and Z-Ateez(boy band group)
  • B and Y-Boy
  • C and X-Crux(point of difficulty)
  • D and W-Dosa and Wada(south indians breakfast)
  • E and V-Equate value
  • F and U-For u
  • G and T-Give things
  • H and S-High school
  • I  and R-IntegRate or Indian railways
  • J  and Q-Jack and queen
  • K and P-Key point
  • L and O-Love
  • M and N-Monkey.

This kind of fun will remember you that those pair of letters can form the words that we use,and moreover there is pairing like problems facing then u may use this kind of fun to complete is as fast as possible.

Alphabets with numbers including:

In some kind of problems there are to be solved which includes numericals in it.in that case u have to use the letters with respective numbers.to solve fastly use EJOTY formula.there would be little logics to solve the problems which is a mixed problem with numericals and alphabets.some of the main logics to solve the letter series are:

  • comparison.
  • summation.
  • difference.
  • summimg of either side letters which is middle number.
  • formation of pair of letters with the numericals.
