Blood relations by family:
It means there are two types which are by birth and relatives from paternal and maternal sides.

Above diagram represents all relationships by birth and also by marriage.

Now, have three types of questions that solved in any competitive exams,bank exams,any govt exams.those are 
  • Pointing to a person saying the realtion between 2 persons
  • Mixed blood relations
  • Coded blood relations

Let us see some examples:

 Question 1: Pointing to a girl in the photograph, Ajay said, "Her mother's brother is the only son of my mother's father." How is the girl's mother related to Ajay ?
A) Mother
B) Sister
C) Aunt
D) Grandmother
E) None of these


Only son of Ajay's mother's father -- Ajay's maternal uncle.
So, the girl's maternal uncle is Ajay's maternal uncle.
Thus, the girl's mother is Ajay's aunt.

Question 2:
1. A + B means A is the brother of B
2. A × B means A is the father of B
3. A ÷ B means A is the mother of B

Which of the following would mean "G is the son of H"?
A) H × I × G
B) H + G × I
C) H ÷ G ÷ I
D) H × G + I
Solution: Answer: Option D
Go by options. In fourth option, our diagram will be like

Mixed Blood Relations

In this, mutual blood relations depending on more than two persons mentioned. These types of problems can be solved with the help of diagrams.

Example 3

A and B are brothers and C and D are sisters. A’s son is D’s brother. How is B related to C?
→ A’s son is D’s brother
→A is C’s father. Father’s brother is uncle.

Q 1 Sharman said to Priti ,”your mother’s husband’s sister is my aunt.” How is Priti related to Sharman?

Options :

A - Girl child

B - Sister

C - Granddaughter

D - Mother

Answer - B


Mother’s husband’s sister means that sister of father. Hence, Priti is sister of Sharman.

Q 2 − Introducing Steve, a woman said,” His wife is the only girl child of my father.” How is Steve related to that woman?

Options :

A - Husband

B - Father-in-law

C - Uncle

D - Grandfather

Answer - A


The only girl child of the woman’s father is she herself. Hence, the woman and Steve has a wife-husband relationship.

Q 3 − Introducing Dennis, Lisa said,” he is the only son of my mother’s mother.” How is Lisa related to Dennis?

Options :

A - Mother

B - Cousin

C - Niece

D - Aunt

Answer - C


Dennis is brother of Lisa’s mother, so he is maternal uncle of Lisa and Lisa is his niece.

Q 4 − If Vicky says that his mother is the only girl child of Chicky’s mother, how is Chicky related to Vicky?

Options :

A - Son

B - Father

C - Brother

D - Uncle

Answer - D


As per the given information in the question, Vicky’s mother is the only girl child of Chicky’s mother. In other words, Vicky is the grandson of Chicky’s mother. Hence Chicky is the uncle of Vicky.

Q 5 − Pointing to Chandresh, Padma said, ”He is the brother of my uncle’s girl child.” How is Chandresh related to Padma?

Options :

A - Cousin

B - Son

C - Brother-in-law

D - Nephew

Answer - A


Clearly, Chandresh is the cousin of Padma.

Q 6 − Pointing to a person, Abhijit said to Riya,” His mother is the only girl child of your father.” How is Riya related to that person?

Options :

A - Aunt

B - Mother

C - Girl child

D - Wife

Answer - B


Riya is the only girl child of hers father. Therefore, statement in other words implies that Riya is the mother of that person.

Q 7 − Pointing to a man in the photograph, Rajat said to Sushma,”His mother is the only girl child of your father.” How is Sushma related to the man in the photograph?

Options :

A - Sister

B - Mother

C - Wife

D - Girl child

Answer - B


From the information given in the question, it is clear that the only girl child of the Sushma’s father is Sushma herself, and it is clear that man is her son. Therefore, Sushma is the mother of the man in the photograph.

Q 8 − Introducing Jenifer to guests, Lauren said,” Her father is the son of my father.” How is Jenifer related to Lauren?

Options :

A - Girl child

B - Mother

C - Sister

D - Niece

Answer - D


Jenifer’s father is the son of Lauren’s father. It means Lauren and Jenifer’s father are brothers. So Jenifer is the niece of Lauren.

Q 9 − Introducing a girl, Sandeep said, ”Her mother is the only girl child of my mother-in-law.” How is Sandeep related to that girl?

Options :

A - Son

B - Father

C - Cousin

D - Brother-in-law

Answer - B


The only girl child of Sandeep’s mother-in-law is the wife of Sandeep. Therefore, the statement, in other words implies that “her mother is my wife”. Hence, it is clear that Sandeep is the father of that girl.

Q 10 − Showing the lady in the park, Subhash said, “She is the girl child of my grandfather’s only son.” How is Subhash related to that lady?

Options :

A - Brother

B - Father

C - Cousin

D - Uncle

Answer - A


The only son of Subhash’s grandfather is the father of Subhash and girl child of Subhash’s father is the sister of Subhash. Hence Subhash is the brother of that lady.
