Topic : The directional reference point

Observe the five cities on the map shown below. The five cities are New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, and Kolkata.

The directional reference point of five cities
The city Bengaluru is exactly below New Delhi, Hence Bengaluru is in South direction with respect to New Delhi whereas it is in West direction with respect to Chennai.
Mumbai is in North West direction with respect to Bengaluru whereas Bengaluru is in South-East direction with respect to Mumbai. One should draw a cardinal direction at a reference city/place to find the direction of the other city.
Example 3:
Kiranmai wants to go to the fruits market. She moved northwards and after covering some distance turned left and moved 4 km and reached a crossing. The road in front of her vivekananda nagar  while the road on to her left led to rangaraya Medical College and the road on to her right led to the fruits market. In which direction the Krishna fruits market is located with reference to the starting point?
A. West
B. North-West
C. South-West
D. East

The diagram represents the path followed by kiranmai. According to the diagram the fruits market is in North – West Direction with respect to the starting point. Hence, option B is the correct answer.

Topic : The directions of sun rays and shadow

A boy is playing with skipping rope in the playground and is facing North in the morning then, he observes that his shadow was towards his left as the Sun appeared in the East. The boy turned 180 degrees while playing, he is facing South now. His own shadow will be towards his right as the Sun is in the east.

Sunrise/sunset and the shadow
He does this every day once in the morning and evening. He plays facing south and observed that his shadow was towards his left and then turns and faces North he observed that his shadow was towards his right. The direction of one’s’ shadow depends on the direction and time she/he is facing.
The table below summarises the relation of shadow with respect to the direction and time:

Direction v/s Time



Example 4:
One morning after sunrise, Nandita and Ravi were sitting in a lawn with their backs towards each other. Nandita’s shadow fell exactly towards her left-hand side. Which direction was Ravi facing?
A. East
B. West
C. North
D. South
Since it was morning and Nandita’s shadow fell exactly to her left-hand side, Nandita was facing North and hence Ravi should be facing South. Hence the answer is option D.
