Topic : Correct map v/s Wrong map

This section involves the comparison of two maps among which one is definitely wrong. One has to find the correct direction in the wrong map by applying logical analysis.
Example 5:
At a crossing, there was a direction pole, which was showing all the four correct directions. But due to the wind, it turns in such a manner that now West pointer is showing South. Harish went in the wrong direction thinking that he was travelling East. In what direction he was actually travelling?
A. South
B. North
C. West
D. East
To solve the question, let’s compare the correct map with the wrong one.

Correct map v/s Wrong map
Instead of West, it was South in the direction pole, therefore instead of North, East, and South, it will be West, North, and East respectively. Hence the correct answer is South option A.

Topic : Directions in Clocks

All the pirates and travellers during the 16th and 17th Centuries used the compass as a navigation device which helped them in the discovery of the land that was unknown to mankind. The clocks were lacking the directional information as the main task of the clock was just to tell the time.
Adding the directions to the clock paved the way to the invention of many ideas in the future. The direction at which the number ‘12’ exists was considered as the North for the reference. And all the remaining directions were marked accordingly. Hence, the numbers ‘3’, ‘6’ and ‘9’ was considered to be at East, South, and West respectively.
Pictorial representation of clocks with all the directions
Example 6:
A clock is so placed that at 2:00 p.m. the minute hand points towards North-west. In which direction does the hour hand point at 6:00 p.m.?
A. North-West
B. West
C. North-East
D. South-East
If the Minute hand is 12 which is North-West, then at 6.00 p.m. the hour hand will be pointing at the number 6. Since the number 12 and 6 are exactly the opposite. The opposite of North-West should be South-East. Hence option D is the correct answer.
