
If the relationship between one pair of words is similar to another pair of words then we say that both the pair of words is analogous to each other. In simple words, the relationship between two words must be same for other words associated with them too.

For Example −

Devotee: Temple and Patient: Hospital is a parallel pair of words because they have similar kind of relationship between them. As devotees go to temple; patients go to hospital.

Note −

In this section we have to analyze the relationship between two given pairs and find the relationship between other two pairs among which one is given in the question and other one will be present in the options.

Analogy can be categorized into following two types −

  • Words Analogy
  • Number Analogy

Word analogy again can be reclassified into following two sections −

  • Meaningful Words
  • Non- Meaningful Words

First find the relationship between the two given words and once you find that, go for finding the similar relationship word for the asked word from the given options.

Opposite Relationship

If two given pairs are opposite in meaning to each other, similar kind of relationship has to chosen for the question pair from the given options.

For Example −

Kinetic : Potential

Fat : Thin

Synonymous Relationship

The two words of the question pairs are similar in meaning and that relationship has to be found among the words given in the answer choice word pair.

For Example −

Huge : Big

Slim : Thin

Cause and Effect

Here if one word will be the cause then other will be its effect.

Fire : Death

Fasting : Starvation

Worker and Article Relationship

Here the relationship is about the maker or producer with its production.

For Example −

Writer : Novel

Artist : Painting

Worker and Tool Relationship

Relationship is among a particular class of people and the tools used by them.

For Example −

Student : Pen

DTP Operator : Computer

Tool and Object Relationship

It describes the relationship between the tool and its corresponding object.

Paint : Wall

Knife : Vegetables.

Number analogy:

There will be certain relationship among the first two numbers. We have to find that and accordingly solve the question.

For Example −

Question − 4:8:: 16:

A - 21

B - 19

C - 32

D - 51

Answer − Option C

Explanation −

Here either 4 + 4 = 8 or 4 × 2 = 8. Following the similar fashion, our answers should be either 16 + 4 = 20 or 16 + 16 = 32.

As 20 is not there but 32 is there, hence it is the correct answer.

Number Analogy covers two types of questions:
I. Choose a similar pair as the given pair in the question on the basis of the relation between the numbers pair given in the question.
II. Choose a number that is similar to a group of numbers on the basis of certain similar properties that they possess.
Example: Find a pair that is similar to the given pair of numbers:- 180:90
(a) 64 : 37
(b) 2 : 1
(c) 23 : 10
(d) 137 : 112
Sol.: Clearly, the relationship here is 2x : x.
This same relationship exists in option (b).
So, the correct answer is option (b).

Similarly some other similar kinds of analogies are −

  • Whole and part analogy
  • Intensity relationship
  • Classification relationship
  • Functional analogy
  • Gender analogy
  • Sequential analogy
  • Quantity and unit analogy
  • Utility analogy
  • Symbolic analogy
  • Association analogy
  • Age analogy
  • Characterization analogy etc
But for competitive exams like bank or placements we can have learn about alphabet and numerical analogy.

I). Completing analogous pair. Such questions give relationship between a pair; first element of second pair is given and we have to find the second element of second pair based on similar relationship given by first pair.

For example:
1) Oasis: Sand ∷ Island: ?
a) River

b) Sea

c) Water

d) Waves
Here, first pair is ⇒ “Oasis: Sand” and second pair is “Island:?”. And, “∷” sign means first pair and second pair share similar relationship.
Oasis’ is a mass of water amidst ‘Sand’ similarly ‘Island’ is a mass of land amidst ‘water’. Note: It’d be Island: Sea had the first pair been Oasis: Desert. We’re given the name of thing desert is made of i.e. Sand. So, we’ll use the name of thing Sea  is made of i.e. Water.

2) Annihilation: Fire ∷ Cataclysm

a) Earthquake

b) Flood

c) Emergency

d) Steam
Here, ‘Annihilation’ i.e. total destruction is the result of ‘Fire’. So, ‘Cataclysm’ i.e. the rising of a body of water and its overflowing onto normally dry land is the result of ‘flood’.

II). Simple Analogy. In such questions a simple statement is given where a relationship is given and we’re asked the second element for the term given in question, like the example below:
1) Sweet is to Chocolate as Book is to….?
a) Dictionary

b) Library

c) Encyclopedia

d) Atlas
Here, Chocolate can be sweet or bitter but ‘Sweet’ is the enlarged form of chocolate. Similarly, ‘Encyclopedia’ is an enlarged form of a ‘book’.

III). Choosing the analogous pair: In such questions, a pair is given in the question and we’ve to find a suitable pair from the options given that resembles the similar relationship as in the question like the examples below:
1) Borrow : Steal
a) Enter: Trespass

b) Tell: Speak

c) Ask: Beg

d) Hit: Kill
Here, for both ‘borrowing’ and ‘stealing’ we take someone else’s thing. The only difference being that the first thing we take is with the permission of another while second thing is taken without the permission of another. Similarly, among all the options, we see this option is seen in ‘Enter: Trespass’ where we ‘enter’ after taking permit while ‘trespassing’ is done without any permit whatsoever.
2) Cool: Frigid
a) Livid: Lurid

b) Pool: Placid

c) Tepid: Torrid

d) Lack: Abundant
Here, ‘Frigid’ means extremely cold. So, in Cool: Frigid, second is the extreme version of another. Let’s check the meaning of all options given:
a) Livid ⇒ Discolored beneath the skin: Lurid⇒ Ghastly pale  ⇒ This doesn’t give extreme version of paleness.
b) Pool⇒ A small lake : Placid⇒ a body of water free from disturbance by heavy waves  ⇒ This doesn’t give extreme version of pool.
c) Tepid⇒ Moderately warm: Torrid⇒ Extremely hot ⇒ Torrid is the extreme version of Tepid.
d) Lack: Abundant⇒ Present in great quantity ⇒ These two are opposite not extreme version.
We can see that only option c) fulfills the criteria.

IV). Multiple word analogy: These are the type of questions discussed above with the only difference being that here three elements are given in a pair instead of two and we have to select the suitable option. Like the example below:
1) Music: Guitar: Performer
a) Dance: Tune: Instrument

b) Food: Recipe: Cook

c) Patient: Medicine: Doctor

d) Trick: Rope: Acrobat.
In, Music: Guitar: Performer, ‘Performer’ plays ‘Music’ on ‘Guitar’. So, III element is playing/doing I element on II element.
From options, we can clearly see that this pattern is followed only in option d) i.e. Acrobat (An athlete who performs acts requiring skill) performs ‘Tricks’ on a ‘Rope’.

V). Number-based analogy: Till now, we saw the analogy based on words now we’ve questions based on numbers too like shown below:

1) Completing analogous pair.
25: 37 ∷ 49: ?
a) 41

b) 56

c) 60

d) 65
Here, in 25: 37 the pattern can be explained as  where  is the first element as 25 = 5^2 and is the second element as 36 = (5+1)2 + 1.
For 49, we know that 49 = 72 so second element = = 65 which is option d).

2) Choosing the analogous pair.
Q. 7: 24
a) 30: 100

b) 23: 72

c) 19: 58

d) 11: 43
In 7: 24, 24 = 7×3 + 3 i.e. the relationship can be shown as
Similar relationship can only be seen in option b) 23: 72 where 23×3 + 3 = 69 + 3 = 72.
3) Multiple number analogy: It’s just like multiple-word analogy:
Q. (9, 15, 21)
a) (10, 14, 21)

b) (7, 21, 28)

c) (5,10,25)

d) (4, 8, 12)
In (9, 15, 21) the pattern given is as 15 = = 15 where 9 and 21 are 1st and 3rd numbers respectively.
Similar relationship can only be seen in so option d) where 8 (second no.) = = 8

VI). Alphabet based analogy. In these types of questions, two words that are group of random letters are related to each other in some way. We’re supposed to complete the analogous pair based on that relationship:



The relationship between FJUL: BOQQ can be illustrated as:

If we do a similar operation on LHRX we can see the following:

Hence, option d) is the answer.

VII). Mixed analogy: These types of questions mixed alphabet and number like shown below:
a) 2

b) 3

c) 23/7

d) 4
Here, in, T is 20th element in the alphabet series while J is 10th soSimilarly, X is 24thelement in alphabetical series while H is 8th so So,
